well, tomorrow is the pico's day and I wanted to do something more than
a drawing.
this goes for all the creators of newgrounds and especially
for @TomFulp
Just thanks.
There are not many words to describe the feeling of being
here, and I still remember when I discovered this community and was
so excited to learn all about it.
This place has inspired me to continue with my dreams to
one day to be able to share them with others, I want to be
like those who inspired people like me.
I LOVE THIS PLACE, and I wouldn't want to leave it for the world
all those artists, musicians, developers and animators
They should be proud to be here.
Newgrounds is a very big place,
but what would become of him without you Tom?
I can't imagine what the internet would be like now
if newgrounds did not exist because it is true
that this page that a large part
of today's internet comes from here, and that is
precisely what fascinates me.
But seriously thank you.
Thank you for maintaining this communityAll these years,
I'd like to say more
But I'm nothing compared to this.
Atte: Sarajamm
Thank you, I loved reading this!